The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Round vs. Angular Cheekbones

  1. Cheekbone anatomy
  2. Types of cheekbones
  3. Round vs. angular cheekbones

Are you confused about the different types of cheekbones and how they can impact your facial features? Look no further, because in this ultimate guide, we will dive deep into the world of round vs. angular cheekbones. Whether you're trying to identify your own cheekbone type or simply curious about the differences, we've got you covered. In this article, we will explore the anatomy of cheekbones and the various types, including round and angular, giving you a better understanding of what makes each unique.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about cheekbone anatomy and the different types of cheekbones. First, let's start with the basics – the anatomy of cheekbones. Cheekbones, also known as zygomatic bones, are located on each side of the face and help form the structure of the cheeks. They are made up of two parts – the zygomatic arch and the zygomatic process. The zygomatic arch connects to the temporal bone and forms the lower part of the eye socket.

The zygomatic process connects to the maxilla bone and forms the upper part of the cheek. These bones play a crucial role in facial symmetry and determining the shape of the face. Understanding the anatomy of cheekbones is essential in understanding the differences between round and angular cheekbones. Round cheekbones are characterized by a fuller, softer appearance, while angular cheekbones have a more defined, sharp edge.

This is due to the structure of the zygomatic bones – round cheekbones have a larger zygomatic arch, while angular cheekbones have a smaller zygomatic arch and a more prominent zygomatic process. So what causes someone to have round or angular cheekbones? Genetics play a significant role in determining the shape of our cheekbones. Some people are born with naturally round or angular cheekbones, while others may develop them as they age due to changes in facial fat distribution. Environmental factors, such as diet and lifestyle, can also impact the appearance of our cheekbones.

If you're looking to alter the appearance of your cheekbones, there are several procedures available. One option is facial implants, which can be used to enhance or reshape the cheeks. Another option is cheekbone reduction surgery, which can help reduce the prominence of angular cheekbones. These procedures should always be performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

For those interested in natural methods, there are also exercises that can help improve the appearance of cheekbones. These exercises target the muscles in the cheeks and can help increase definition and prominence. Examples include cheek lifts, cheek presses, and cheek squeezes. It's important to note that every individual's cheekbone anatomy is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

It's essential to consult with a professional before making any decisions about altering the appearance of your cheekbones. If you're interested in learning more about facial bones, there are several other important bones to be aware of. The mandible, or jawbone, plays a crucial role in facial symmetry and determining the shape of the lower face. The maxilla, or upper jawbone, supports the structures of the nose, mouth, and cheeks.

And the nasal bones help form the bridge of the nose and support the cartilage that shapes the tip of the nose. In conclusion, understanding the anatomy of cheekbones is essential in understanding the differences between round and angular cheekbones. Genetics, age, and environmental factors all play a role in determining the shape of our cheekbones. There are various surgical and non-surgical methods available to alter their appearance, but it's important to consult with a professional before making any decisions.

And don't forget – our cheekbones are just one part of our complex facial structure!

Exercises to Enhance Cheekbone Prominence

If you prefer a non-invasive approach, there are also exercises you can do to enhance the prominence of your cheekbones. These exercises target the muscles around the cheekbones and can help improve their definition. Some examples include smiling while pushing your fingers against your cheekbones or using resistance bands to exercise the muscles around the cheeks.

What Defines a High Cheekbone?

Now that we know the anatomy of cheekbones, let's discuss what makes them high. High cheekbones refer to a prominent or defined cheekbone structure that creates a shadow below it.

This creates a sculpted look and is considered a desirable facial feature by many.

Different Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures for Altering Cheekbone Appearance

If you're not satisfied with the appearance of your cheekbones, there are various procedures available to alter their appearance.


options include injectable fillers, which can add volume and definition to the cheeks.


options include cheekbone implants, which can create a more prominent cheekbone structure. Both options should be discussed with a qualified cosmetic surgeon to determine the best course of action for your desired results.

Other Facial Bones to Consider

While we've focused on cheekbones in this article, it's essential to note that other facial bones also play a role in facial symmetry and appearance.

The mandible, or jawbone, for example, can affect the definition of the lower face. The forehead bone, or frontal bone, can also impact the overall shape of the face. Keep this in mind when considering any procedures or exercises for altering your facial features. In conclusion, cheekbones are a vital part of facial structure and can greatly impact one's appearance. Whether you have round or angular cheekbones, there are various procedures and exercises available to enhance their appearance.

Remember to always consult with a qualified professional before undergoing any procedures or starting an exercise routine.

Noah Jones
Noah Jones

Lifelong music aficionado. Avid zombie enthusiast. General music maven. Extreme social media practitioner. Incurable beer specialist. Certified food practitioner.